Academy Talks: Close-Up | “Life Classes” Screening at the Atlantic International Film Festival
In Collaboration With:
Saturday, September 16, 2023
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM AT
5657 Spring Garden Road Halifax, Nova Scotia | Cineplex Cinemas Park Lane - Theatre 7
The Canadian Academy, in collaboration with the Atlantic International Film Festival is pleased to present the newly restored print of the 1987 Atlantic classic “Life Classes”, as a special edition of Academy Talks: Close-Up presented by Telefilm Canada.
Directed by William D. MacGillivray’s “Life Classes” tells the story of a pregnant young woman, Mary Cameron (Jacinta Cormier) who leaves home and her irresponsible boyfriend, Earl (Leon Dubinsky) in Cape Breton to give birth in Halifax. She decides to stay, discovering her independence through art. This elegantly told work of social realism is as radiantly tender as it is revealing of the changes in Nova Scotian identity brought about in the 1970s. It is also without a doubt one of the most influential Canadian films ever made.
This screening will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker, William D. MacGillivray.


Maheux Galway
Creative producer, Filmmaker & Film programmer