The Goats of Monesiglio
Observational short documentary about an Indian Punjabi family and an Italian family work side-by-side in the northern Piedmontese town of Monesiglio. Through brief observations of everyday moments, viewers gain fleeting insights into the characters’ experiences as they care for a flock of over 300 goats, and produce traditional artisanal goat cheese. With hundreds of thousands of Indian agricultural labourers working in the dairy production sector of Italy (the vast majority Punjabi Sikhs) the film captures a microcosm of contemporary rural Italian life – while harkening back to a historical way of life. Themes of cultural belonging, our relationships with animals and our connection to food are explored.
Nominees | Finalistes:
Emily Graves, Anna Cooley, Raj Dhillon
Distribution Company | Maison de distribution:
Independent Production
Original Language | Langue Originale: